Edinburgh, UK

Few cities in the world manage to combine with such mastery rich history with contemporary dynamism. This fascinating place, where medieval buildings meet modern art, attracts visitors through its unique atmosphere. Such a city, which offers an incursion into the past without losing sight of the present, is called Edinburgh.

His narrow and paved streets carry their visitors through a time travel. The imposing castle, which watches the city from above, tells of old times and the kings who ruled here. Within his walls, the history of Scotland is carefully and proudly preserved.

From Royal Mile to Holyrood Palace, every corner of the city offers a different perspective on his rich past. In contrast, the modern area of the city, with elegant shops and top restaurants, brings a note of freshness and innovation. These places are animated by vibrant energy, offering a wide range of culinary and cultural experiences.

Annual festivals turn Edinburgh into a world-renowned cultural centre. Music, theatre and visual arts find their place in these events, which attract artists and spectators from all over the world. The atmosphere created is a mixture of tradition and modernity, reflecting the city's spirit perfectly.